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What to Pack First

Boxes on the floor
If you're about to embark on the journey of long-distance or local relocating, here's a detailed guide on what to pack first and what last before the move.

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What to Pack First and Last Before the Move

When it comes to long-distance moving, packing up all their belongings is the biggest struggle people face. Not only is it a tiring and time-consuming task, it requires a lot of organization. What to pack first and what to pack last before the move is the biggest question, so here is a detailed guide on where to start when moving that will help you figure out how to prepare for a long-distance relocation.

What to Pack First and Last Before the Move

When it comes to packing, where to start is the biggest issue. The key to efficient packing is to start with items you use infrequently or seasonally and gradually move on to items you use the most. It’s the best strategy for packing to move and the only correct order of packing for a move. 

Be sure to label your boxes clearly to make unpacking easier. As you get closer to the moving date, pack more essential items first. By following this approach, you’ll ensure that your most important belongings are readily available when you need them while efficiently packing up the rest of your home.

A woman packing books into a box

Start the Packing Process with Items You Don't Need at the Moment

If you’re wondering what order to pack things when moving, a wise strategy to keep you sane throughout the packing process is to begin with items you don’t need or use daily. That way, you will only be rummaging through moving boxes sometimes, looking for something you need. These things often lurk in the corners of your home, taking up space without serving an immediate purpose.

Your “what to pack first when moving” checklist should include off-season clothing, seldom-used kitchen appliances, decorative items, and books you can live without for a while. As you’re going through these rarely used items, it could also be an excellent time to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need so you can start fresh and clutter-free in your new home. Separate things to bring when moving, and get rid of the rest.

Begin by Packing Your Off-Season Clothing and Shoes You Never Wear

Off-season clothing and shoes are some of the first items you should consider checking off your lists for moving and packing when preparing for a move. Those winter coats in the heat of summer or flip-flops in the middle of winter? They can go into boxes early in the packing process. Pack them in sturdy boxes or vacuum-sealed bags to save space, and remember to label them clearly so you can access them when the seasons change.

Box Up Rarely Used Kitchen Appliances

The kitchen is often one of the most challenging areas to pack due to its numerous items and fragile pieces. Not only is there a lot of stuff to move, but you need most of it daily, and you can’t eat takeout three times a day for weeks leading up to the move! Start by boxing up those rarely used kitchen appliances to make packing more manageable.

Consider packing these items first, whether it’s that specialized blender you only use for occasional smoothies or the pasta maker that has yet to see the light of day in years. And if you’re thinking, what if I finally get around to trying out the ice cream maker that’s been collecting dust in the back of the pantry for the last decade? Box it up and save the enthusiasm for the new home!

Ensure the appliances are clean and dry before packing to prevent any residue buildup. Disassemble them as much as possible before placing them in boxes. Also, consider wrapping fragile parts with bubble wrap or towels for extra protection.

Pack Your Books and Decorative Items

Books and decorative items are perfect items to pack first. This category includes more items you won’t use any time soon – jewelry you rarely wear, board games, and all those knick-knacks you are confident you will only need after the move.

Unless you’re one of those people who read a book a day or regularly change their decor, these items can often be packed up without causing much disruption to your daily life.

Begin by carefully stacking and placing your books in sturdy boxes, making them manageable to lift. For decorative items, such as vases, picture frames, or collectibles, wrap them securely in bubble wrap or packing paper to protect them during transit. It’s one of the best packing and moving tips. Mark these boxes as fragile to ensure they are handled with care.

A man carrying a box

What to Pack Last When Moving?

As you approach the final stages of your move, you need to identify what to pack last. You’ll need immediate access to these items in your new home, and packing them last means you’ll unbox them first. This is the time to pack daily essentials, such as toiletries, a few changes of clothes, and important documents.

As Moving Day Approaches, Start Putting Your Toiletries Away

As the countdown to moving day begins, it’s time to start putting your toiletries away. Gather your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and any other personal care products you use daily and pack them in a labeled box or bag. Consider setting aside a small toiletries kit to carry during the move, ensuring you have everything you need for your first night in your new space without rummaging through boxes.

It's Time to Box Up all Leftover Clothes

It’s a good idea to box up all leftover clothes you last packed about a week before the move. You’ll wear these outfits in the days leading up to the move and on the first day in your new home. Be sure to include enough clothes for a few days, considering the weather and any specific needs. Fold them neatly into a suitcase or a designated box to remain organized and easily accessible.

Important Documents and Other Essential Items Are the Last to Go

In the final days leading up to the move, it’s time to focus on packing a bag with must-haves for moving, like documentation, medication, wallets, keys, or chargers. You can’t afford to lose or be without these things during the transition.

Gather passports, birth certificates, medical records, financial documents, and other crucial paperwork. Place them in a secure folder or container and carry them with you in your essentials bag during the move.

Moving paperwork and documentation

Hire Professional Packing Services and Take the Stress Out of Your Move

Deciding what to do when moving or what to pack up when moving can be very stressful, which is why we’ve been blessed with professional packing services. Hiring movers is one of the best tips for moving interstate – all you have to do is sit back and relax while a team of experts carefully and safely pack all your belongings. 

Not only will you not have to lift a finger, but there is no hassle of splitting items into moving categories, worrying about the best order to pack for a move, and having boxes around your home for weeks since everything gets packed up in a single day. So, contact us and hire Sunbeam Movers for a stress-free relocation to your new home.

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